Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 7, 2014

Milk and Acne: Does Milk Cause Acne?

Milk and Acne
Milk and dairy products contain growth hormones and inflammatory substances that clog your pores and cause acne.
Have you heard about this yet?
If you eat milk, cheese, ice cream, or any other kind of dairy, and you have acne, this blog post could be the most important thing you read all week.
In fact – and I’m not exaggerating here – removing milk and dairy products from your diet is probably the absolute, honest-to-goodness most effective thing you can do to clear up your skin.
“Hold on a minute!” you might ask. Aren’t milk and other dairy products good for the body, providing essential vitamins and minerals and calcium? Even the government recommends that we consume low-fat dairy products on a daily basis, right?
Well, without getting into the politics of the powerful dairy lobby and the origin of government nutritional recommendations, the truth is that processed milk and dairy products do more harm than good to your body in general. And this is especially true for your skin.

Want to listen instead of reading? Check out our podcast episode about milk and acne:

> Subscribe to the CSF podcast on iTunes!

Why is Milk Bad for Your Acne?

Milk causes acne because…
  • There is abundance of a hormone called IGF-1 in milk, which is really good for baby cows, but not for you. IGF-1 is a growth hormone. It makes baby cows grow up big and strong, but in humans, it tends to make your acne grow big instead. IGF-1 is one of several factors that cause inflammation in humans, and which eventually lead to acne (and the ugly redness and swelling that makes acne so annoying).
  • Milk and dairy products cause an insulin spike in humans that cause the liver to produce even more IGF-1, leading to even more acne.
  • Dairy causes your skin to produce excess sebum (oil), leading to – you guessed it! – more clogged pores, more acne, and a breeding ground for P. acnes bacteria, which feed on your sebum and spew out inflammatory by-products.
  • Dairy glues together dead skin cells inside your pores, so they can’t exit naturally, leading to clogged pores (and thus more acne).
The milk and acne effect is well documented in the literature. In the last decade or so, a number of studies have found a strong link between the consumption of milk and increased occurrence of acne. For example, one such study found that teenage boys who drank milk broke out more often, and more severely, than those who didn’t drink milk.[1]  At least five other studies have confirmed that, in general, the more milk you drink, the worse acne you’ll get.[2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

So What Should You Do To Get Clearer Skin?

The answer is simple: cut dairy out of your diet. This includes milk, cheese, kefir, yogurt, ice cream, and so on. If it has milk in it, it’s likely to give you acne.
Okay, I know that isn’t easy, especially if you love dairy products and food that includes dairy products (like pizza, or my childhood favorite, toasted sesame bagels with cream cheese). It’s hard, I know! I haven’t eaten much dairy for the last 8 years, because it makes me break out like there’s no tomorrow. I miss it, but I like how I look with clear skin way better.
The thing is, if you want clear skin, cutting out dairy is one of the most powerful things you can do. I’m not saying it’s a good idea to go cold turkey on all dairy. Try this: gradually cut out milk and dairy products over a few weeks, and maintain this dairy-free diet for at least 90 days to see if it makes difference for your skin. I’m confident it will, and that you will love the improvement so much that you’ll never want to consume dairy again! (In fact, chances are you’ll start seeing improvement in a week or less! Usually, if I eat some dairy and break out, my skin clears up again in about a week after I stop eating dairy.)

Example Plan

Start with breakfast. Cut out dairy products from your morning routine, and eat eggs and bacon instead, or whatever else you’d like that doesn’t include dairy. Do that for a week. The following week, cut out dairy from your lunch as well. The third week, do dinner. This is a good way to ease into things. Going cold turkey on dairy can be tough, as it’s so dang tasty! (Dairy is also physically addictive, as it contains opioid peptides that mimic the action of opium.[7] )

What About Organic Milk or Hormone-Free Milk?

There’s actually no such thing as “hormone-free milk.” What producers really mean by that is that no synthetic hormones were given to the dairy cows. However, cows still pump tons of growth hormones into their milk to make their calves grow big and strong, and these natural hormones (IGF-1, growth hormone) are some of the main reasons that dairy causes acne. So, sorry, organic milk and hormone-free milk are not much better for your skin!

What about Raw Milk?

Raw milk, raw yogurt, raw kefir, etc. are much more easily digestible than pasteurized and homogenized dairy, and some people who suffer from acne happily consume raw dairy with no problems. (I’ve had moderate success with raw milk myself while doing a muscle-building program – I got some acne, but not too bad, and I managed to build quite a lot of muscle.) For the majority of people, though, raw milk is still likely to cause problems, because it still contains the natural cow hormones that cause acne, and it still spikes your insulin like regular milk does (which leads to inflammation and redness/swelling of acne).
If you want to try raw dairy, I recommend that you try adding it into your diet little by little to see if your body can handle it without causing breakouts (do this after the 90 days of going dairy-free, and once your acne situation is well-controlled). Now, it’s not easy to buy raw milk products, as selling raw milk is illegal in most places. For more information on where to find raw milk near you, check out Real Milk’s website.[8]

What About Lactaid or Lactose-Free Milk?

It’s a common belief that lactose-free milk is better for acne in some way, but I’m going to prove to you otherwise. Lactaid and other “lactose-free” milk is just regular milk with an enzyme called lactase added to pre-digest the lactose for people with lactose intolerance. Otherwise, lactose-free milk is still the same as regular milk. That makes it a no-go if you’ve got acne. Why? Because the lactose is typically not what causes acne. (It may cause diarrhea, but not acne!) It’s typically other ingredients found in milk, suach as whey, casein, IGF-1, and growth hormone (GH), that cause acne, not the lactose.
(Geek note: Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose, the primary sugar in milk. Your gut produces lactase when you’re a baby so you can digest your mother’s milk, but a lot of people lose the ability to produce lactase after childhood or once they’re weaned. A lot of people with Northern European ancestry have inherited a gene mutation that allows them to keep producing lactase into adulthood. However, even for these folks, drinking milk is still likely to cause acne, because it’s not the lactose that matters, it’s the other stuff.)

What About Goat Milk and Sheep Milk?

Goat and sheep milk is generally easier to digest, but it still tends to cause acne. Goats and sheep, like cows, pump hormones into their milk to help their babies grow. While it’s true that the A2 proteins in goat milk and sheep milk (and yogurt, cheese, etc. derived from goat/sheep milk) are easier to digest than the A1 protein produced by Holstein cows (which produce the majority of U.S. dairy), goat and sheep milk still contains IGF-1 and growth hormone, and still spikes your insulin. You might find that you can tolerate raw goat milk, for example, without getting acne, but I strongly suggest you cut out dairy for at least two weeks, ideally 90 days (to allow time for all your clogged pores to un-clog themselves), before you start experimenting with things like raw goat milk, raw cow yogurt, etc.

What About Yogurt? Aren’t The Probiotics Good For Me?

Probiotics are indeed good for you, but yogurt is not the ideal way to get them! Yogurt has some of the IGF-1 removed through the fermentation process, but not entirely, and it still contains natural milk hormones and proteins that tend to cause acne. (Update: extremely acidic, sour yogurt can have significantly reduced amounts of IGF-1, but most store-bought yogurt has a pH of around 4.8,[9] which isn’t low enough to denature the IGF-1 at all.[10] )
If you’re looking to rebuild your digestive flora, a better idea is to take a probiotic supplement. One of the most effective ones I’ve found is called Dr. Ohhira’s, an extremely potent Japanese formulation. Your typical budget probiotic will not perform nearly as well in recolonizing your digestive tract with the proper bacteria. It’s worth going for the good stuff!
It’s probably not necessary to take a probiotic regularly. Once you get your digestive flora back in balance, it should sustain itself naturally provided you’re eating healthy food and not a lot of processed stuff. If you’ve used antibiotics recently, I’d suggest taking a high-strength probiotic like Dr. Ohhira’s for 30-60 days.

What About Buttermilk, Or [Insert Type of Dairy Here]?

No go, sorry! All dairy products (except ghee) contain suspect milk proteins and hormones that tend to cause acne for all the reasons listed above. Here’s a list I’m going to add to over time with dairy products that should generally be avoided (unless you’re deliberately testing on yourself):
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Cream cheese
  • Buttermilk
  • Skim milk
  • Organic milk
  • Pasture-raised milk
  • Raw milk
  • Goat milk
  • Goat yogurt
  • Goat cheese
  • Sheep cheese
  • Powdered milk
  • Condensed milk
Just because X form of dairy isn’t on this list does not mean it’s okay for your skin! Leave me a comment below if you’re really not sure about a certain type of dairy.

Alternatives to Milk for Clear Skin

There are a few great alternatives to milk if you’re still hooked on liquid white stuff. Here we go:
  • Unsweetened, organic almond milk
  • Unsweetened, organic coconut milk (“So Delicious” or similar brand)
  • AROY-D 100% Coconut Cream
  • Organic full-fat coconut milk
You have to be a little careful with milk substitutes as they tend to have a bunch of added sugar and sometimes vegetable oil (both of which negatively affect your hormones and can worsen acne). That’s why I recommend unsweetened almond or coconut milk. [Note: by "vegetable oil" I mean canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, and cottonseed oil. These oils contain high amounts of inflammatory omega-6 fats. Olive oil, on the other hand, is fantastic! Just don't cook with it, as it's unstable to heat and forms skin-damaging free radicals. Other good fats to use for clear skin are red palm oil, coconut oil, and animal fats.]
You can also make your own nut milks, of course! Almond milk, Brazil nut milk, hazelnut milk – you name it. Google around a bit if you’re curious about this – you’ll find tons of great recipes and how-to’s out there. That way, you know you’re getting just pure, healthy nuts and no funny stuff added.
My personal favorite these days is AROY-D 100% Coconut Cream. It’s prized by Thai master chefs (so I’ve read) as the best-tasting coconut milk / coconut cream around. It’s incredibly rich and loaded with healthy medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and stable saturated fats. It mixes great into green smoothies and curries.

But Cereal’s No Good Without Milk…

You’re absolutely right! The alternatives to milk, like almond milk and coconut milk, really aren’t as good, and eating cereal becomes a lot less enjoyable without real milk. I’m going to propose something drastic: if you’re quitting milk, you might as well quit cereal and kill two acne-causing birds with one stone (excuse the violent phrase).
The main thing is that cereal can destroy your gut, especially if you’re one of the 70% of people that are probably sensitive to gluten. That opens the floodgates for systemic inflammation (redness/swelling of acne), food allergies, and majorly worsened acne. Even gluten-free cereal tends to be loaded with sugar and/or baked in some kind of vegetable oil, which leads to lipid peroxidation. Peroxidized lipids are BAD. They can directly damage your skin’s cell membranes, and if your immune system is already compromised from eating gluten and processed foods, you can’t really neutralize the peroxidized lipids as well, so they wreak havoc. I’m going to write a post soon about cereal and/or gluten, and I’ll link it here.
The best thing you can do, cereal-wise, is to stop eating it altogether. I ate cereal + milk for breakfast every morning for close to 15 years, but now I know that it gives me acne, taxes my immune system, and drains my energy, so I’ve switched to pasture-raised eggs, bacon, and green smoothies for breakfast. Give it a try – your skin will thank you!

Do Not Drink Soy Milk!

Soy milk is made from processed soybeans, which can have estrogen-mimicking effects on the body. Any food that could potentially disturb your hormones in this way is something you’ll want to avoid as you’re going toward clear skin.
Furthermore, soy contains large amounts of omega-6 fats, which cause inflammation and redness/swelling of acne unless balanced out by a healthy amount of omega-3 fats (rare in most modern diets).
Soy is also linked to increased rate of birth defects, increased chance of developing Alzheimer’s later in life,[11] and is very often genetically modified (unless organic or otherwise stated). The health effects of genetically modified foods are a hotly debated issue, but why play guinea pig on yourself when genetically modified foods are so new to our bodies?
Finally, the minerals found in soymilk are basically useless to humans, because they’re bound up by phytic acid (used by plants for defense against getting eaten before they flower and reproduce). Tempeh is much better in this regard, as the phytic acid is broken down by the fermentation process. By some accounts having around half the phytic acid.[12]

Are You Physically Addicted To Milk?

Surprising fact: milk contains casomorphin, which is a physiologically addictive substance that essentially does to your brain what morphine and opium do (to a lesser degree). Casomorphin binds to opioid receptors in your brain and makes you happy, and then your brain gets used to the jolt when you drink milk over and over, and you get unhappy if you try to stop drinking it. (Or eating cheese, or yogurt, or pretty much any other kind of dairy.)
Milk is yummy stuff, but it’s also literally addictive! That tends to make it seem more tasty than it really is, in my experience. And the acne trade-off doesn’t seem worth it. The best defense you have against relapsing into dairy-drinking is to just stop for at least two weeks, then drink some milk and see what happens to your skin. After a few times of doing that, I can almost guarantee you’ll be able to get over the addiction!

Watch Out For Hidden Milk Ingredients

Dairy is in everything. Okay, not everything, but tons of packaged foods and restaurant dishes have hidden dairy. Read ingredients labels before you buy anything! Case in point, a reader recently discovered that the tomato soup he was eating – which sounds healthy enough – had powdered milk in it (which is actually one of the worst forms of dairy, since it’s so heavily processed).
Other examples: mashed potatoes often have milk in them. Omelets and scrambled eggs, in restaurants, often are “fluffed up” with milk. (And scrambled eggs are bad news anyway because of the oxidized cholesterol – see below.) The list of hidden milk ingredients is pretty long – anything with a cream sauce, anything that’s creamy (including lots of Indian food), probably has dairy. Just keep a careful eye out, and you’ll learn over time what’s better to avoid.

What About Eggs? Are They Dairy?

Eggs are fantastic! Eggs are not dairy, even though they are essentially baby food (for the growing, unborn chick). Eggs do not have growth hormones like IGF-1 that are bioactive in humans. Eggs are really a fabulous food, especially farmers’ market, pasture-raised eggs. They’re loaded with choline, lutein, zeaxanthin, B vitamins, cholesterol (which is a good thing – it’s the building block for all hormones in the body, after all), and healthy fats. I eat three eggs, typically, for breakfast.
Poaching or soft-boiling are you best bets for healthy eggs. Sunnyside up is a solid method. I strongly advise against scrambling your eggs, though (I used to do this all the time). When you scramble an egg, you oxidize the cholesterol in the yolk, turning an otherwise healthy nutrient (cholesterol) into a dangerous substance (oxidized cholesterol), which tends to take up residence in your arteries. Yikes.
The healthiest way to cook an egg is to keep the yolk intact and runny – poaching is definitely my method of choice. Give it a shot if you haven’t yet!

Key Take-Aways

  • Dairy is one of the worst acne triggers in the Western diet. It contains the growth hormone IGF-1 and it spikes your insulin dramatically, leading to inflammation, redness, swelling, clogged pores, and acne.
  • Try cutting out processed milk and dairy products from your diet for 90 days. It’s one of the most powerful things you can do to start clearing up your skin.
  • Dairy is chemically addictive (like opium and morphine, but to a lesser degree), so quitting dairy can be tough.
  • The minimum I recommend, if you’re really addicted to dairy, is to cut out dairy 100% for two whole weeks, then re-introduce it and see what it does to your skin. If you break out, you’ll have more evidence and stronger desire to quit dairy long-term. (You may have to repeat this process a few times – it took me many cycles of this before I was able to quit dairy 100%!)
  • Watch out for hidden dairy ingredients. Read ingredients labels before you buy packaged food, and ask at restaurants for dairy-free options.
  • Quitting dairy is only one part of a holistic diet- and lifestyle-based treatment for acne.
  • You also need to fix the other diet- and lifestyle-based root causes of acne (and that’s what our book is all about!).
While dairy is one of the worst acne triggers out there, there’s even more you can do to kickstart your journey to clear skin.
If you’d like to be walked through the whole process of tweaking your diet for clear skin, I’ve written an ebook that does just that. It’s called “Clear Skin Forever” (surprise, surprise!).
For this complete guide to taking an all-natural, diet-based approach to getting rid of acne and having clear skin for life (no kidding!), go here.

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 7, 2014

Những điều con gái không nên đánh đổi chỉ vì yêu

00:22:38 22/07/2014

Khi yêu, con gái nên hiểu rằng có những điều mình cần trân trọng, giữ gìn và không nhất thiết phải thay đổi chỉ vì người yêu muốn thế.

Trong tình yêu, nhiều bạn quan niệm rằng: “Cho đi tất cả mới gọi là yêu!”, điều đó không sai, nhưng đừng nhầm lẫn giữa sự cho đi và sự hy sinh, bởi cho đi có thể vẫn còn nữa, nhưng đã hy sinh thì có nghĩa là mất mãi mãi. Và khi yêu, con gái sẽ thường đánh mất nhiều hơn nếu cứ khờ dại hy sinh tất cả. 

Tính tự lập

Rất nhiều cô nàng khi yêu sẽ dần dần mất đi tính tự lập và phụ thuộc vào người yêu, để đến một lúc nào đó không dám hoặc không thể chấm dứt tình cảm dù tình yêu đã không còn nữa.

Đối với một cô gái, tính tự lập thật sự rất quan trọng, nhất là khi đã không còn được sự bảo bọc của gia đình. Vậy nên, đừng vì yêu mà dựa dẫm vào chàng quá nhiều. Dù là cô gái với vẻ ngoài yếu đuối hay mạnh mẽ, hãy luôn sẵn sàng tự bảo vệ mình dù không còn tình yêu nữa.

“Thế giới riêng”

Với nhiều người, không gian cá nhân là nơi riêng tư mà không ai có quyền xâm phạm. Song với một số cô gái, họ lại sẵn sàng hy sinh điều này vì người yêu. Đó thực sự là sự hy sinh không xứng đáng. Có những khoảng riêng tư mà mỗi người đều có trong cuộc sống của mình, điều quan trọng là bạn phải duy trì những khoảng trời riêng đó ngay cả khi bạn đang yêu. Điều đó không có nghĩa là bạn lừa dối người yêu, không thật lòng với anh ấy.

Ngoài những lúc hẹn hò với người yêu, hãy dành những khoảng thời gian riêng trong không gian cá nhân của mình, làm những việc chỉ mình mình thích. Không ai được xâm lấn vào "thế giới riêng" của bạn, và bạn cũng không cần phải từ bỏ những mật khẩu riêng, bí mật riêng đó vì tình yêu. Điều này có ý nghĩa đặc biệt quan trọng trong việc bảo vệ con người cá nhân và duy trì sự thú vị cho tình yêu của bạn.

Sự chờ đợi

Hy sinh bằng cách chờ đợi trong tình yêu là một điều không nên làm, dù đôi khi chờ đợi là điều tốt nếu chàng trai ấy xứng đáng. Nhưng sự chờ đợi đồng nghĩa với sự đánh mất tuổi xuân của một cô gái. Bạn có thể yêu đơn phương một chàng trai, nhưng đừng chờ người ấy cũng sẽ yêu lại bạn vào một ngày nào đó, một mùa nào đó, một thế kỷ nào đó… Hay chàng trai của bạn ra đi vì một cô gái khác, còn bạn cứ chờ đợi người ta quay về vì bạn quá yêu người ấy. Đừng làm thế, vì tuổi xuân sẽ không trở lại và tình yêu cũng không phải đường thẳng cứ đi và chờ là sẽ đến.

Tiền bạc

Khi yêu một người, các cô nàng không tiếc tiền để mua sắm thật nhiều quà tặng cho người yêu, hoặc sẵn sàng đưa số tiền ít ỏi kiếm thêm được, ba mẹ gửi cho để “nuôi” người yêu, những cô nàng này sẽ được gán mác “dại trai”. Thật ra cũng không cần thiết phải keo kiệt đến mức không chi ra một đồng nào, nhưng đừng hy sinh tiền bạc một cách phung phí chỉ vì yêu. Nếu một chàng trai yêu bạn thật lòng, họ sẽ không nghĩ đến việc tiêu tiền của bạn mà sẽ để bạn lựa chọn cách tiêu tiền trong tình yêu. Vậy hãy khôn ngoan chi tiêu nhé!

Giá trị bản thân

Đây có lẽ là điều quan trọng nhất mà một người con gái nên gìn giữ. Khi yêu nhau, sẽ không tránh khỏi việc các chàng trai đòi hỏi quan hệ tình dục trước hôn nhân. Anh ấy nói rằng sẽ cưới và sẵn sàng nuôi bạn kể cả khi bạn không có việc làm sau đó? Đừng vội tin những lời mật ngọt ấy nếu bạn nghĩ mình cần một công việc ổn định trước hôn nhân.

Cá tính

Cá tính ở đây bao gồm cả phong cách ăn mặc và tính cách. Nếu là một cô gái có cá tính và mạnh mẽ, đừng ép mình phải trở nên yếu đuối. Nếu thích một bộ đồ híp hóp, đừng ép mình mặc những bộ váy áo diêm dúa làm gì. Hãy cứ là chính mình thôi! 

Ước mơ

Ước mơ có lẽ cũng đã thay đổi nhiều lần trong cuộc sống: lúc nhỏ, mơ là cô giáo, bác sĩ rồi kĩ sư lớn lên lại muốn trở thành ca sĩ, diễn viên,... Đó là ước mơ của bạn, không cần thay đổi nó vì bất cứ ai ngoại trừ chính mình.
Gia đình

Dù không cần phải theo hủ tục “Cha mẹ đặt đâu con ngồi đấy!”, nhưng tuyệt đối đừng chỉ vì yêu mà hy sinh cả gia đình. Nếu ba mẹ bạn không ưng ý với chàng trai bạn đưa về ra mắt, đừng vội nổi giận mà bỏ đi theo người ấy, hãy cố gắng chứng minh cho ba mẹ thấy rằng lựa chọn của bạn là đúng và bạn cũng phải lắng nghe vì sao ba mẹ không chấp nhận chàng.

Gia đình luôn là món báu vật quý giá nhất không thể đánh mất, dù ai cũng có gia đình, nhưng mỗi người đều được sở hữu một báu vật riêng biệt. Có thể hy sinh tình yêu chứ đừng bỏ rơi gia đình bạn nhé!

Bạn bè

Bạn bè là những người luôn bên ta những lúc khó khăn. Ngay cả khi họ không hoàn hảo, họ vẫn là những người bạn cần nhất trong cuộc đời này. Nếu chàng muốn bạn không chơi với một ai đó chỉ vì anh ấy không thích thì điều đó thật vô lí. Bạn không bao giờ cần phải răm rắp nghe theo.

Sự nghiệp

Cũng giống như những ước mơ sẽ thay đổi theo thời gian, nghề nghiệp cũng vậy. Tuy nhiên, nó là một phần cuộc sống của bạn và do bạn quyết định. Không nên vì tình yêu mà hy sinh sự nghiệp bạn đã cố gắng gây dựng trong một thời gian dài. Hãy cân nhắc việc hy sinh sự nghiệp sau khi đã kết hôn, hoặc vì những điều có ích hơn chứ đừng chỉ vì yêu.

Yêu một chàng trai, con gái thường chìm đắm trong những lời nói ngọt ngào có cánh và nhiều khi vô thức muốn thay đổi bản thân vì người mình yêu. Tuy nhiên, con gái nên hiểu rằng có những điều mình cần trân trọng, giữ gìn chứ không nhất thiết phải thay đổi chỉ vì người yêu muốn thế, bạn nhé!

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 7, 2014

Lymph Drainage Massage To Slim Face Fixing Bloated Face

Here is a lymph drainage massage that you can do to slim face saying goodbye to a bloated face simply by draining the lymph nodes around your face to get rid of water retention making your face look fat. Quick Massage >>
What can I do to slim face when my face is bloated?
When you have a bloated face sometimes all it takes to get you image back is a 5 Minute Lymph Drainage Massage that help you get that Slim Your Face you are used to looking at. Otherwise, known as a manual lymph drainage self-massage (or simply a lymph massage), these face massages help drain lymph nodes restoring balance to your contour reducing water retention in your face.
Although there are many lymph drainage massage techniques, the area that lymph massage drainage comes to the rescue when you need it is in ways to slim face. Massage lymph drainage is perfect for times of emergency such as when you have a bloated face in the morning.
In this face Slism, we present a lymph drainage massage that you can use to slim face, just what you need to get rid of a bloated face in the morning, eliminating unwanted water retention bloating your face.
Quick Lymph Massage

Slim Face Lymph Drainage Massage to Fix Bloated Face

It is said that good fortune comes to those that smile. That is to say that people who smile more live their lives out happy. That makes sense but what if your face looks bloated all the time.
My face looks bloated?
Just because you don't notice at first that your face is bloated, doesn't fix the fact that you have a bloated face ruining your contour that brings out your smile. Not everyone is able to admit to a bloated face and stomach thinking it's only momentary. My face is bloated…Nothing good ever comes from failing to accept the reality of situations.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's talk about what other people are doing to fix a bloated face.
Although there are Facial Exercises to Slim Face, the slim face exercise you are looking for is in face a massage, a lymph drainage massage to reduce water retention fixing bloatedness around the face.
Regularly massaging the lymph nodes around your face helps you smile more with a less bloated face.
Simple putting on a smile has a positive outcome in your mood and in those moods of others. Surely without a bloated face, you can pull of the act in flying colors.
Practice manipulating your facial expressions in the mirror to pep up your mood as well as exercising the mimic muscle in your face, right after doing lymph drainage massage to slim face.

Lymphatic Massage for Fixing a Bloated Face in 5 Minutes

Lymphatic Massage for Fixing a Bloated Face in 5 Minutes
  • Massage the area around your collarbone starting from the middle working your way towards the outside ending at your shoulders.
  • Work your way up the contour of your face starting below you chin and ending right underneath your ears.
  • Start down the area below your eyes from the arc of your nose stopping before you meet your ears.
  • Draw a line with your fingers on the opposite side of step 3, starting right above your nose working your way towards the front of your ears massaging your face.
  • Starting from the side of your face below your ears massage the lymph nodes of your neck down towards your shoulders.

Facial Exercise to Get a Slim Face Just By Smiling

Facial Exercise to Get a Slim Face Just By Smiling
  • Pucker lips together for 5 seconds holding your position.
  • With mouth closed, widen the corners of your face as if you were to smile trying to hide your teeth. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times before proceeding to the next step.
  • Smile with lips closed bringing the corners of your mouth up as high as possible. Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Open mouth wide pulling back the corners of your mouth holding for 5 seconds. Do step 3 and 4 several times before completing.
Do in the tub while taking a bath for best results!! - For more Natural Beauty Tips to do yourself a favor without surgery and overly expensive skin care treatments, be sure to try out other facial massages and exercise that can be found on Slism.

Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 7, 2014

Những sự cố thảm khốc nhất từ đầu năm 2014

17:13:52 18/07/2014

Dù mới qua nửa đầu của năm 2014 nhưng người dân trên toàn thế giới đã phải liên tục đón nhận những sự cố thảm khốc như máy bay Boeing 777 mất tích, tàu Sewol chìm hay máy bay dân dụng bị tên lửa bắn trúng.

* Xem toàn bộ diễn biến vụ máy bay Malaysia mang số hiệu MH17 gặp nạn ở Ukraine khiến 298 người thiệt mạng TẠI ĐÂY.

Máy bay Boeing 777 mang số hiệu MH370 của Malaysia Airlines biến mất bí ẩn

Rạng sáng ngày 8/3/32014, Malaysia Airlines cho biết chiếc máy bay Boeing mang số hiệu MH370 của hãng này chở theo 239 hành khách cùng phi hành đã mất liên lạc với đài kiểm soát không lưu vào lúc 2h40' sau khi xuất phát từ sân bay Kuala Lumpur trong hành trình tới Bắc Kinh. 

Các giả thiết về số phận của MH370.

Ngay sau khi chiếc máy bay mất tích, Malaysia, Việt Nam cùng rất nhiều các quốc gia khác như Australia, Mỹ, Trung Quốc... đã tiến hành hoạt động tìm kiếm tại khu vực biển Đông. Trải qua nhiều ngày tìm kiếm và phát hiện ra nhiều vật thể lạ được cho là của MH370, tuy nhiên, sau khi tiến hành phân tích, giới chức Malaysia liên tục phủ nhận thông tin tìm ra manh mối chiếc máy bay mất tích.

Sau một thời gian dài cố gắng tìm kiếm tại khu vực biển Đông nhưng vẫn không phát hiện ra dấu vết của chiếc máy bay MH370, giới chức Malaysia bắt đầu xem xét, điều tra nguy cơ MH370 bị không tặc, khủng bố. 

Những cuộc điều tra xung quanh các hành khách, cơ trưởng, cơ phó và những thân nhân liên tiếp được tiến hành. Lúc này, dữ liệu vệ tinh về hành trình chuyến bay MH370 lại cho thấy rất có thể nó đã bị "cố ý" chuyển hướng và bay về phía Eo biển Malacca.

Vụ MH370 mất tích trở thành bí ẩn trong ngành hàng không thế giới.

Nỗ lực tìm kiếm tại khu vực phía Bắc và Nam Ấn Độ Dương liên tục kéo dài nhiều tuần sau đó với sự tham gia của hàng chục quốc gia cùng những thiết bị tìm kiếm hiện đại hàng đầu thế giới. Tuy nhiên, vẫn chưa có một quốc gia nào tìm ra dấu vết của chiếc máy bay này. 

Đến ngày 24/3, sau chưa đầy 1 tháng tìm kiếm, Thủ tướng Malaysia Najib Razk, bất ngờ dẫn một phân tích mới về các dữ liệu vệ tinh của 1 hãng vệ tinh Anh tuyên bố chuyến bay MH370 đã bị rơi ở phía Nam Ấn Độ Dương.

Sau tuyên bố này, Malaysia cùng các nước vẫn kiên trì tiến hành chiến dịch tìm kiếm chiếc máy bay MH370, tuy nhiên, cho đến nay MH370 vẫn biến mất, không để lại dấu vết và trở thành 1 trong những bí ẩn lớn nhất của lịch sử hàng không.

Vụ chìm tàu Sewol, Hàn Quốc

Ngày 16/4, chiếc tàu Sewol có trọng tải 6.825 tấn, chở theo 476 người, trong đó có 325 học sinh đến từ trường trung học Danwon ở thành phố Ansan đã gặp nạn trên đường từ Incheon đến đảo Jeju của Hàn Quốc. 

Sau khi phát tín hiệu cấp cứu vào lúc 8h58' khi cách đảo Byeongpung 20km, 1 tiếng sau chiếc tàu lật úp khiến 292 người thiệt mạng và 12 người khác hiện vẫn đang mất tích.

Tàu Sewol chìm dần xuống đại dương.

Theo điều tra, do lệnh sơ tán không được đưa ra ngay lập tức nên số người thiệt mạng mới tăng cao đến như vậy. Ngoài ra, khi chiếc tàu lật nghiêng, thuyền trưởng Lee Joon-seok không hề có mặt trong buồng lái để xử lý. Thậm chí, khi biết không thể cứu vãn được nữa, người đàn ông này đã cùng một số thủy thủ đã rời khỏi tàu đầu tiên, để lại sau lưng hàng trăm hành khách chới với trong tuyệt vọng.
Ngay sau khi thảm họa chìm tàu xảy ra, các nhà chức trách địa phương đã bắt giữ thuyền trưởng Lee cùng một số thuyền viên vì "lơ đễnh", "thiếu trách nhiệm" khi đang làm nhiệm vụ. Vụ tai nạn cũng khiến người đứng đầu công ty khai thác tàu Sewol bị truy tố, Thủ tướng Hàn Quốc Jung Hong-won từ chức trong khi Tổng thống Park Geun-hye tuyên bố giải tán lực lượng Tuần duyên Hàn Quốc.

Bàn thờ chung của các học sinh thiệt mạng trong vụ chìm tàu.

Nỗ lực trục vớt thi thể các nạn nhân trong vụ chìm tàu Sewol cũng kéo dài nhiều tuần sau đó. Những hình ảnh, câu chuyện cảm động về tình cảm học trò chết không rời nhau hay những tấm gương anh dũng hi sinh thân mình để cứu những người khác... đã lấy nước mắt của biết bao người dân trên toàn thế giới. 

Vụ chìm tàu Sewol trở thành 1 trong những thảm kịch tồi tệ nhất trong lịch sử Hàn Quốc. 

Vụ tai nạn hầm mỏ ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

Ngày 13/5, một tai nạn hầm mỏ xảy ra tại Soma, Manisa, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, cướp đi sinh mạng của 301 và khiến hơn 80 người khác bị thương. Các nhà điều tra cho biết nguyên nhân của vụ tai nạn là do một máy biến áp phát nổ, gây ra hỏa hoạn khi 787 thợ mỏ đang làm việc trong hầm lò. Đây được đánh giá là 1 trong những vụ tai nạn hầm mỏ tồi tệ nhất trong lịch sử Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ.

Một công nhân may mắn sống sót sau vụ tai nạn kinh hoàng.

Vụ máy bay dân sự bị trúng tên lửa ở Ukraine

Ngày 17/7, một chiếc máy bay chở theo 298 hành khách, trong đó có 3 trẻ sơ sinh của hãng hàng không Malaysia Airlines đã bị bắn rơi ở miền Đông Ukraine, cách không phận của Nga khoảng 60km. Chiếc máy bay mang số hiệu MH17 gặp nạn khiến toàn bộ hành khách và các thành viên tổ bay thiệt mạng khi đang trên đường đi từ Amsterdam (Hà Lan) tới Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). 

Những hình ảnh tại hiện trường cho thấy chiếc máy bay bị vỡ nát, biến dạng, xác người nằm la liệt quanh khu vực có bán kính 15km. Vụ việc khiến cả thế giới chấn động bởi độ tàn khốc và số người thiệt mạng trên chuyến bay MH17.

Hiện trường vụ máy bay MH17 gặp nạn ở Ukraine.

Hiện tại, chính quyền Ukraine đang cáo buộc lực lượng vũ trang ở miền Đông đã gây ra vụ việc kinh hoàng này. Tuy nhiên, các tay súng chống chính phủ ở Kiev lại cho rằng chính máy bay quân sự Ukraine mới là kẻ đứng sau vụ tấn công.

Hiện, vị trí phóng tên lửa trúng vào MH17 vẫn đang được tiến hành điều tra. 

(Tổng hợp)

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 7, 2014

20 lượm lặt thú vị về phụ nữ

(Webtretho) Cùng khám phá thêm những điều cực kì hay ho về phái nữ, và hãy luôn tự hào vì chúng ta là những phụ nữ tự tin và quyến rũ nhé!

Ảnh: Internet
1. Từ woman (phụ nữ) trong tiếng Anh được cho là có nguồn gốc từ wyfman trong tiếng Anh cổ. Nghĩa của từ này được phân tích đơn giản là wife (wif) of man – vợ của đàn ông.

2. Dấu hiệu hình tròn và chữ thập biểu thị cho giới tính nữ đồng thời cũng là biểu tượng của sao Kim. Dấu hiệu này được tin là một hình ảnh cách điệu của chiếc gương cầm tay của thần Vệ Nữ trong thần thoại La Mã. Và sao Kim cũng là hành tinh duy nhất trong hệ mặt trời được đặt tên theo tên một nữ thần.

3. Tỉ lệ kích thước bộ ngực của phụ nữ lớn hơn rất nhiều so với các loài động vật có vú khác. Khi không sử dụng để sản xuất sữa nuôi con, bộ ngực chính là một bộ phận nhạy cảm dành để phục vụ cho chuyện “yêu”.

4. Việc nuôi con bằng sữa mẹ có thể giúp giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú. Bên cạnh đó, kích thước của bộ ngực hoàn toàn không liên quan gì đến việc phụ nữ nó có sữa nhiều hay ít. Sữa được tạo ra từ các tuyến vú, tuyến này hiện diện trong bất kì bộ ngực phụ nữ nào, dù lớn hay nhỏ.

5. Những phụ nữ sống tại các khu vực gần đường xích đạo có xác suất sinh con gái nhiều hơn là sinh con trai. Giải thích điều này, các chuyên gia cho rằng do ánh nắng mặt trời, khí hậu và thực phẩm ở vùng nhiệt đới rất có lợi cho việc sinh con gái.

6. Những bé gái được hình thành trong bụng mẹ với toàn bộ số trứng mà bé gái đó sẽ có sau này. Nói cách khác, khi bạn mang thai, bạn không chỉ cho ra đời một sinh linh mới mà bạn còn tạo ra một nửa gen di truyền của cháu ngoại bạn sau này nữa đấy!

7. Trong tiếng Hy Lạp, từ âm vật (clitoris) có nghĩa là thần thánh, được tôn kính như nữ thần.

8. Âm vật chỉ xuất hiện ở giống cái của động vật có vú. Và bạn có biết âm vật là cơ quan duy nhất trong cơ thể con người chỉ dành để phục vụ cho việc sung sướng? Âm vật có số lượng sợi thần kinh tập trung cao hơn rất nhiều so với các bộ phận khác trên cơ thể. Cụ thể là khoảng 800 sợi – gấp đôi số lượng dây thần kinh ở dương vật của nam giới.

9. Chỉ có phụ nữ mới có khả năng đạt được nhiều loại khoái cảm khác nhau, phụ thuộc vào khu vực nào bị kích thích như âm vật, âm đạo, ngực…

10. Theo một nghiên cứu về vấn đề bạo lực gia đình ở Việt Nam, khoảng 58% phụ nữ đã từng bị ít nhất một trong 3 loại bạo lực: thể xác, tình dục và tinh thần từ người chồng của mình – con số cao gấp 3 lần so với tỉ lệ bị bạo hành từ những người khác. Ngoài ra, những khảo sát trên thế giới cho thấy cứ 5 phụ nữ thì có 1 người từng bị bạo hành tình dục trước 15 tuổi.

11. Tuổi thọ trung bình của phụ nữ trên thế giới cao hơn đàn ông. Đồng thời, phụ nữ cũng có khả năng bị mù hoặc suy giảm thị lực gấp 2 lần đàn ông. Các chuyên gia cho rằng đó là do tuổi thọ của phụ nữ cao hơn, dẫn đến khả năng thị lực bị giảm sút do tuổi tác cũng như những bệnh tật về mắt khác mà phụ nữ dễ mắc phải như hội chứng khô giác mạc và hội chứng loạn dưỡng giác mạc dạng Fuch.

12. Mỗi năm có khoảng 14 triệu trẻ vị thành niên mang thai, với hơn 90% là những bé gái sống ở các nước đang phát triển.

13. Mỗi ngày có khoảng 1600 phụ nữ chết vì mang thai hoặc những biến chứng khi sinh nở. Gần 99% các ca tử vong này xảy ra ở các nước đang phát triển.

14. Ở thời hiện đại, quốc gia đầu tiên cho phép phụ nữ được quyền bầu cử chính là New Zealand vào năm 1893.

15. Người phụ nữ đầu tiên đắc cử là bà Sirimavo Bandaranaike, bà đã trở thành thủ tướng của quốc đảo Sri Lanka vào năm 1960 và tái đắc cử sau đó vào năm 1970.

16. Theo truyền thuyết cổ xưa của người Sumer, vũ trụ được khởi tạo ra bởi một người phụ nữ - nữ thần Tiamat. Các thổ dân Úc cũng tin rằng phụ nữ chính là khởi nguồn của sự sống.

17. Vị nữ bác sĩ đầu tiên được ghi nhận là Merit Ptah ở thời Ai Cập cổ đại, vào khoảng năm 2700 trước công nguyên. Rất nhiều các nhà nghiên cứu lịch sử tin rằng, bà chính là người phụ nữ đầu tiên được ghi tên trong lịch sử các ngành khoa học.

18. Cuốn tiểu thuyết đầu tiên trên thế giới là “The Tale of Genji” được xuất bản tại Nhật vào khoảng năm 1000 sau công nguyên của nữ tác giả Murasaki Shikibu.

19. Những nghiên cứu cho thấy phụ nữ trung bình nói khoảng 20.000 từ mỗi ngày, hơn 13.000 từ so với đàn ông.

20. Nghiên cứu tiến hành tại đại học y khoa Indiana cho thấy đàn ông chỉ nghe với một bên não, trong khi phụ nữ dùng đến cả hai. Đây không phải là lí do để nói rằng ai có khả năng nghe tốt hơn ai, tuy nhiên nó lại châm thêm lửa vào các tranh luận cho rằng phụ nữ luôn là một người biết lắng nghe hơn.

How do I get the vitamin D my body needs?


The two main ways to get vitamin D are by exposing your bare skin to sunlight and by taking vitamin D supplements. You can’t get the right amount of vitamin D your body needs from food.
The most natural way to get vitamin D is by exposing your bare skin to sunlight (ultraviolet B rays). This can happen very quickly, particularly in the summer. You don’t need to tan or burn your skin to get vitamin D. You only need to expose your skin for around half the time it takes for your skin to turn pink and begin to burn. How much vitamin D is produced from sunlight depends on the time of day, where you live in the world and the color of your skin. The more skin you expose the more vitamin D is produced.
You can also get vitamin D by taking supplements. This is a good way to get vitamin D if you can’t get enough sunlight, or if you’re worried about exposing your skin. Vitamin D3 is the best kind of supplement to take. It comes in a number of different forms, such as tablets and capsules, but it doesn’t matter what form you take, or what time of the day you take it.
Different organizations recommend different amounts of vitamin D supplement to take each day. The Vitamin D Council recommends taking larger amounts of vitamin D each day than other organizations, because smaller amounts aren’t enough to give you what your body needs. Most people can take vitamin D supplements with no problems. However, if you have certain health problems or take certain medicines, you may need to take extra care.
Your body gets most of the vitamins and minerals it needs from the foods that you eat. However, there are only a few foods that naturally contain any vitamin D. Most foods that contain vitamin D only have small amounts, so it’s almost impossible to get what your body needs just from food.
Because there are only small amounts of vitamin D in food there are only two sure ways to get enough vitamin D:
  • Exposing your bare skin to sunlight to get ultraviolet B (UVB).
  • Taking vitamin D supplements.

Exposing your bare skin to sunlight (ultraviolet B)

Human skin can make large amounts of vitamin D when lots of skin is exposed and the sun is high in the sky.
Your body is designed to get the vitamin D it needs by producing it when your bare skin is exposed to sunlight. The part of the sun’s rays that is important is ultraviolet B (UVB). This is the most natural way to get vitamin D.
Large amounts of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) are made in your skin when you expose all of your body to summer sun. This happens very quickly; around half the time it takes for your skin to turn pink and begin to burn. This could be just 15 minutes for a very fair skinned person, yet a couple of hours or more for a dark skinned person.
You don’t need to tan or to burn your skin in order to get the vitamin D you need. Exposing your skin for a short time will make all the vitamin D your body can produce in one day. In fact, your body can produce 10,000 to 25,000 IU of vitamin D in just a little under the time it takes for your skin to turn pink. You make the most vitamin D when you expose a large area of your skin, such as your back, rather than a small area such as your face or arms.
There are a number of factors that affect how much vitamin D your body produces when your skin is exposed to sunlight.  These include the time of year and time of day, where you live in the world and the type of skin you have.
The amount of vitamin D you get from exposing your bare skin to the sun depends on:
  • The time of day – your skin produces more vitamin D if you expose it during the middle of the day.
  • Where you live – the closer to the equator you live, the easier it is for you to produce vitamin D from sunlight all year round.
  • The color of your skin – pale skins make vitamin D more quickly than darker skins.
  • The amount of skin you expose – the more skin your expose the more vitamin D your body will produce.

The time of year and time of day

When the sun’s rays enter the Earth’s atmosphere at too much of an angle, the atmosphere blocks the UVB part of the rays, so your skin can’t produce vitamin D. This happens during the early and later parts of the day and during most of the day during the winter season.
The closer to midday you expose your skin, the better this angle and the more vitamin D is produced. A good rule of thumb is if your shadow is longer than you are tall, you’re not making much vitamin D. In winter, you’ll notice that your shadow is longer than you for most of the day, while in summer, your shadow is much shorter for a good part of the middle of the day.

Where you live

The further you live away from the equator, the less vitamin D you can make during the winter, if at all.
The equator is an imaginary line on the Earth’s surface halfway between the North Pole and South Pole, which divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. The further away you are from the equator, the more of an angle the sun will hit the atmosphere at, and the less UVB there will be available for you to produce vitamin D, particularly during the winter time.
In the summer, when the Earth rotates, the angle improves and more UVB reaches the places far away from the equator, allowing you to produce vitamin D outside of winter months.
For example, in the southern United States, in places like Florida, your body can produce vitamin D most of the year, while in more northern places, like New York City or Boston, you can’t produce much vitamin D from November through March. If you live even further north, like in Edmonton, Canada, you can’t produce vitamin D from October through April. These times are even longer (by a month or two) if you’re skin type is darker.
What about the Southern Hemisphere?

In Buenos Aires, you can’t produce vitamin D in June. In Cape Town, you can’t produce much vitamin D between mid-May and August. If you live as far south as the bottom tip of Chile and Argentina, you can’t produce vitamin D April through October! If you’re skin is darker, these windows are even longer by a month or two.
Live in Johannesburg? You can produce vitamin D all year round.

Your skin type

Melanin is a substance that affects how light or dark your skin color is. The more melanin you have, the darker your skin color. The amount of melanin you have in your skin affects the amount of vitamin D you can produce.
Melanin protects against skin damage from too much UVB exposure, so darker skins with more melanin allow less UVB to enter the skin. With less UVB getting through the skin, less vitamin D is produced each minute. This is why if you’re dark skinned, you need more sun exposure to make vitamin D than if you’re fair skinned.
The table below shows the different skin types:
Skin Type Skin color Skin characteristics
I White; very fair; red or blond hair; blue eyes; freckles Always burns, never tans
II White; fair; red or blond hair; blue, hazel, or green eyes Usually burns, tans with difficulty
III Cream white; fair; with any eye or hair color; very common Sometimes mild burn, gradually tans
IV Brown; typical Mediterranean Caucasian skin Rarely burns, tans with ease
V Dark Brown; mid-eastern skin types Very rarely burns, tans very easily
VI Black Never burns, tans very easily
The paler your skin type the more easily your skin can produce vitamin D. So, if you have skin type I to III, you produce vitamin D more quickly than if you have skin type IV to VI. For example, if you have skin type I, it might take around 15 minutes of sun exposure to get the vitamin D you need, while if you have skin type V or VI, it might take up to six times longer (up to 2 hours).
Because of all these factors – your skin type, where you live and the time of day or season – it can be difficult to work out how much time you need to spend exposing your skin to the sun in order to get the vitamin D you need. A good rule of thumb is to get half the sun exposure it takes for your skin to turn pink to get your vitamin D and expose as much skin as possible.
It can get complicated

Specific recommendations are not easy! Skin types are different and depending on the day of year, place and time of day, recommendations vary. Let’s see how complicated it can get if we expose a quarter of our body to the sun:
  • At noon in Miami, an individual with skin type III would probably need about 6 minutes of exposure to the sun to make 1000 IU of vitamin D in summer and 15 minutes in winter.
  • Someone with skin type V would probably need around 15 minutes in summer and 30 minutes in winter.
  • At noon in Boston during summer, an individual with skin type III would probably need about 1 hour of exposure to the sun to make 1000 IU of D.
  • Someone with skin type V would probably need about 2 hours of exposure.
  • During the winter months in Boston, it’s not possible for anyone to make vitamin D from the sun, no matter their skin type.
And that’s assuming you’re exposing a quarter of your body. As you can see, there are lots of things that factor into vitamin D production. The best recommendation is to get half the sun exposure it takes for your skin to turn pink.

Other factors

There are other factors which can affect the amount of vitamin D your body makes from exposure to the sun. These are:
  • The amount of skin you expose. The more skin you expose, the more vitamin D you can produce.
  • How old you are. As you get older, your skin has a harder time producing vitamin D.
  • Whether you’re wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen blocks a lot of vitamin D production.
  • The altitude you’re at. The sun is more intense on top of a mountain than at the beach. This means you make more vitamin D the higher up you are (at higher altitudes).
  • Whether it is cloudy. Less UVB reaches your skin on a cloudy day and your skin makes less vitamin D.
  • Air pollution. Polluted air soaks up UVB or reflects it back into space. This means that if you live somewhere where there is lots of pollution, your skin makes less vitamin D.
  • Being behind glass. Glass blocks all UVB, so you can’t make vitamin D if you’re in sunlight, but behind glass.

Indoor tanning

Your skin can also make vitamin D if you use an indoor tanning bed. As with natural sunlight, making the vitamin D you need from a tanning bed happens within minutes. You don’t need to tan your skin, or use a tanning bed for a long time to get the vitamin D you need.
If you choose to use a tanning bed, the Vitamin D Council recommends using the same common sense you use in getting sunlight. This includes:
  • Getting half the amount of exposure that it takes for your skin to turn pink.
  • Using low-pressure beds that has good amount of UVB light, rather than high-intensity UVA light.

Exposing your skin to UVB and the risk of skin cancer

Exposing your skin to the sun for too long, so that your skin starts to burn can be dangerous. This is because it can increase your risk of developing skin cancers. Research to date shows that moderate but frequent sun exposure is healthy but overexposure and intense exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer.
After you have exposed your skin for half the time it takes for you to turn pink, cover up with clothing and go into the shade. Using sunscreen is not as recommended as using shade and clothing to protect your skin, because it hasn’t consistently been shown to prevent all types of skin cancers. But if you do want to use sunscreen, use a sunscreen that blocks both UVA light and UVB light.
Protecting the skin

While covering up to prevent too much sun exposure is an important step in protecting yourself from skin cancer, research has not always shown that sunscreen is the safest and most effective method.
Research has shown that sunscreen helps prevent squamous cell carcinoma, but has no effect in preventing basal cell carcinoma. For melanoma, research has been contradictory. Some research shows that sunscreen prevents melanoma, while other research shows that it increases your chance of getting melanoma.
For these reasons, the Vitamin D Council believes that covering up with clothing and/or going into the shade (after you get a little bit of sun exposure), is a safer way to protect yourself from too much sun exposure.
Infants have delicate skin which burns more easily, so it’s important to use extra care with your baby. This is why most doctors recommend giving your infant vitamin D supplement and not exposing your baby’s skin to the sun at all. See our pregnancy and breastfeeding page for more information on how to get the vitamin D your baby needs.
For older children, the advice is the same as for adults. You can expose your child’s skin for half the time it takes to burn in order to get the vitamin D they need. After that, make sure they cover up with clothes, shade and if you wish, sunscreen.
If you have had skin cancer or if you’re worried about exposing your skin to the sun, or that of your child, you can take vitamin D supplements instead.

Vitamin D supplements

In the 21st century, it’s hard to get daily full body sun exposure. On the days that you can’t get enough sun exposure, taking a supplement is an effective way to get the vitamin D your body needs. It‘s also a good way to get vitamin D if you’re worried about exposing your skin to the sun.

How much vitamin D do I need to take?

Different organizations recommend different daily intakes. Here are the recommendations from some organizations in the United States:
Recommended daily intakes from various organizations:

Vitamin D Council Endocrine Society Food and Nutrition Board
Infants 1,000 IU/day 400-1,000 IU/day 400 IU/day
Children 1,000 IU/day per 25lbs of body weight 600-1,000 IU/day 600 IU/day
Adults 5,000 IU/day 1,500-2,000 IU/day 600 IU/day, 800 IU/day for seniors
The Food and Nutrition Board recommended daily intakes are the official recommendations by the United States government.
Why are the recommendations so different? Some researchers believe that there isn’t enough evidence to support taking higher amounts of vitamin D yet. On the other hand, some researchers believe that research is proving, or will prove, that taking lower amounts isn’t enough.

Can I take more than the recommended amounts?

Yes, you can, but attention and care is needed if you choose to take more supplement than in the recommendations above. Here are the safe maximums set by the same organizations:
Upper limits set by various organizations:

Vitamin D Council Endocrine Society Food and Nutrition Board
Infants 2,000 IU/day 2,000 IU/day 1,000-1,500 IU/day
Children 2,000 IU/day per 25lbs of body weight 4,000 IU/day 2,500-3,000 IU/day
Adults 10,000 IU/day 10,000 IU/day 4,000 IU/day
Vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means your body has a hard time getting rid of it if you take too much. The Vitamin D Council recommends taking no more than the upper limit, meaning do not take anymore than 10,000 IU/day for adults.
While these amounts seem like a lot, keep in mind that your body can produce 10,000 to 25,000 IUs of vitamin D after a little bit of full body sun exposure. Vitamin D toxicity, where vitamin D can be harmful, usually happens if you take 40,000 IU a day for a couple of months or longer.
In some diseases, researchers have studied the safety and benefits (if any) of these types of high doses of vitamin D. These diseases include multiple sclerosis and prostate cancer. If you have a disease for which research has shown there may be a benefit in taking larger amounts of vitamin D, and you would like to consider taking more than 10,000 IU/day, the Vitamin D Council recommends taking the following precautions:
  • Work with your doctor
  • Test your vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels every 3 months and make sure that your blood levels are within the safe and healthy range.

What form of vitamin D should I take and how should I take it?

Research shows that vitamin D3 is the better type of vitamin D compared to vitamin D2.
The Vitamin D Council recommends taking vitamin D3 rather than vitamin D2. Vitamin D3 is the type of vitamin D your body produces in response to sun exposure, while vitamin D2 is not. In the United States, most over-the-counter vitamin D supplements are D3, but check to make sure. Vitamin D2 is sometimes prescribed by doctors because that is what pharmacies have available. If your doctor prescribes you D2, ask them if you can take vitamin D3 instead.
Vitamin D3 supplements aren’t vegetarian and some part of the production in making them occur outside the United States. If you have ethical concerns with taking vitamin D3, then sun exposure is a good option and vitamin D2 can be an alternative.
Other than that, it doesn’t matter what form of vitamin D you take, whether it’s in a capsule, tablet or liquid drop. For most people, vitamin D is easily absorbed in the body and you don’t need to worry about what time of day you take it or whether you take it with meals.
Cod liver oil contains vitamin D. However, the Vitamin D Council recommends against taking cod liver oil because of the high amount of vitamin A there is in cod liver oil compared to vitamin D. Vitamin A is also a fat-soluble vitamin, so your body has a hard time getting rid of it and too much vitamin A can be harmful.

What if I’m having trouble absorbing vitamin D supplements?

Some people get tested for vitamin D and find, despite taking vitamin D regularly, that they’re still not getting enough vitamin D. This means your body is having a hard time absorbing your vitamin D supplements. The Vitamin D council recommends that if you’re having this problem, you can try these options:
  • Take vitamin D under your tongue rather than swallowing it (sublingually).
  • Try relying on more sun exposure.
  • Increase your intake.
Be sure to test your vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels to make sure your new regimen is safe and effective. The Vitamin D Council recommends testing every 3-6 months if you’re trying different regimens.

Can anyone take vitamin D supplements?

Most people can take vitamin D supplements with no problems. However, care is needed in a few situations. These situations include:
  • If you’re taking certain other medicines: digoxin for an irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) or thiazide diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide or bendroflumethiazide (commonly used to treat high blood pressure). In this situation, don’t take high doses of vitamin D. You should also have your digoxin level monitored more closely if you’re taking vitamin D.
  • If you have one of these medical conditions: primary hyperparathyroidism, Hodgkin’s or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a granulomatous disease, kidney stones, some types of kidney disease, liver disease or hormonal disease, you should get advice from a specialist. See our Hypersensitivity page for more information.
  • Don’t take vitamin D if you have high blood calcium levels, unless under the care of your physician.
  • You may need more than the usual dose of vitamin D if you’re taking certain medicines which interfere with vitamin D. These include: carbamazepine, phenytoin, primidone, barbiturates and some medicines used for the treatment of HIV infection.

Can I get sun exposure and take supplements?

Yes. In fact, that is the Vitamin D Council’s recommendation. On days that you do not get enough full body sun exposure, it is important to take a supplement. For most people on the Monday-Friday indoor work schedule, that means taking a supplement 5-6 days a week and getting sun exposure on a day or two during the weekend.

Can I get vitamin D from my diet?

There are small amounts of vitamin D in a few foods, which makes it nearly impossible to get what you need from food. However, these foods include:
  • Fatty fish
  • Beef liver
  • Egg yolks
  • Fortified milk and orange juice
  • Fortified cereals
  • Infant formula
The Vitamin D Council believes that trying to get enough vitamin D from your diet is unlikely to give you the vitamin D you need.

The Best Time of Day to Exercise

Research may help determine the best time of day for exercise

Updated May 16, 2014

Is there a best time of day to exercise? Two of the top reasons people give for not exercising regularly include lack of results and lack of time. So, for many people, the best time to exercise is the time that is most convenient and the time that fits into a busy schedule. Research on exercise and time of day is growing, but still limited and and not without controversy. In general, if you can find a time for exercise that you can stick with consistently, you will be much more likely to train regularly and get better results.

Circadian Rhythms and Exercise

Human sleep and wake cycles follow a daily cycle called circadian rhythms. It's this cycle that regulates our body temperature, blood pressure, alertness and metabolism, among other physiological functions. In general, these rhythms conform to our 24-hour day and may be reset based upon environmental cues. The time of day that we typically exercise is one of these cues. Research by the University of North Texas, in Denton found that although circadian rhythms are inborn we can reset them based upon our behaviors. For example, using an alarm clock, establishing meal times and even when we workout are all cues to help rest our rhythms. They found that people who consistently exercise in the morning "teach" their body to be most ready for exercise at that time of day. When they switched to evening exercise, they didn't feel as strong. Also See: Does Jet Lag Decrease Athletic Performance?
The ability to adjust your rhythms is important for athletes training for a specific event. The message is to train at the same time of day that the event will occur. Research supports this advice. Studies show that your ability to maintain exercise intensity will adapt to your training time. Therefore, if you do your marathon training in the morning, you may perform better on race day (marathons typically start in the morning). But if you train in the evening, a morning race day may leave you feeling weaker and slower.

Individual Differences and Exercise Timing

Some people are just naturally morning people. They have no trouble exercising first thing in the morning. Others don't get moving so quickly and are more likely to feel like exercising later in the day. If you have such an obvious preference it's pretty easy to decide what sort of exercise schedule you might stick with. The interesting thing is that research shows that no matter when you think you are better able to exercise, almost all of us are, in fact, physically stronger and have more endurance in the late afternoon.

Scheduling Exercise

Not everyone can choose to exercise when they feel like it. Work and family commitments often take priority and we end up squeezing in some exercise. If you find that the only time you have to exercise is when you least feel like it, don't despair. As we learned earlier, you can change your rhythms and your body can adapt to a new exercise time. However, it may take about a month to reset your internal exercise clock. (get tips on adjusting your circadian rhythms during air travel).

Research and the Best Time to Exercise

While there is specific research being conducted on this topic, unfortunately the answer to the question, "What is the best time for exercise?" varies based upon the specific question you ask, your training goals, and your exercise adherence. Here are some of the latest specific research findings:
  • Late Afternoon is Best for Exercise
    Research shows that the optimal time to exercise is when our body temperature is at its highest, which, for most people is 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. (body temperature is at its lowest just before waking).
  • Strength is Greater in the Afternoon
    Dr. Hill reported that strength output is 5% higher at around mid-day; anaerobic performance, such as sprinting, improves by 5% in the late afternoon.
  • Endurance is Greater in the Afternoon
    Aerobic capacity (endurance) is approximately 4percent higher in the afternoon.
  • Injuries Are Less Likely in the Afternoon
    Afternoon exercise is the best if you want to avoid injuries for many reasons. We are most alert; our body temperature is the highest so our muscles are warm and flexible; and our muscle strength is at its greatest. These three factors make it less likely that we will get injured.
  • Morning Exercisers Are More Consistent
    Even though afternoon exercise might be optimal from a physiological standpoint, research also shows that morning exercisers are more likely to stick to it that late-day athletes.
  • Evening Exercise and Sleep
    Most research supports the idea that exercise can improve sleep quality. But does exercising too late in the evening keep you up? Studies have shown improvements in sleep from both morning and afternoon exercise, so it's not yet clear if evening exercise keeps you up. One study even showed that vigorous exercise half an hour before bedtime did not affect sleep. One thing that is agreed upon is that sleep deprivation can hinder sports performance.
The Bottom Line
The good news is that you get to decide the best time for you to exercise based upon your personal goals, schedule and lifestyle. Ideally, you will pick a time that you are able to stick with consistently and make part of your daily or weekly schedule. If you are training for competition, it's wise to modify your training to accommodate the event start time, and it's always wise to warm up before any workout. Also See: Why Your Workouts Don't Work.

8 Foods Every Vegetarian Should Eat

 There is a world of reasons to go meatless, from heart health to animal welfare. But nutritionally, there’s one tricky trade-off. You drastically shrink your body’s supply of six vital nutrients: protein and iron—which can be the toughest to get in adequate quantities—plus calcium, zinc, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. To help you fill in these gaps, we tapped the expertise of nutritionist Cynthia Sass, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association—and a vegan, so she totally gets it. Here we’ve identified the “great eight” foods. All are loaded with one or more of these hard-to-get nutrients.

Why it’s great: Plain tofu has a lot going for it. It’s a terrific source of protein, zinc, iron, and it even contains some cholesterol-lowering omega-3 fatty acids. It also gives you more than 100 milligrams (mg) of calcium in a half cup. But the same amount of calcium-enriched tofu gives you up to 350 mg (about one-third of your daily needs) plus roughly 30 percent of your daily vitamin D, which helps your body absorb the calcium—an extra bone-building punch that many people need. Look for enriched soymilk, too, which is also fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
Tip: “Tofu can be substituted for the same amount of meat, poultry or fish in almost any recipe,” says Sass. Firm tofu works best because it holds its shape when you sauté it or grill it.

Why they’re great: Lentils, like beans, are part of the legume family, and like beans, they’re an excellent source of protein and soluble fiber. But lentils have an edge over most beans: They contain about twice as much iron. They’re also higher in most B vitamins and folate, which is especially important for women of childbearing age as folate reduces the risk for some birth defects. For new vegetarians, lentils are also the perfect way to start eating more legumes because they tend to be less gassy.
Tip: Lentil soup is just the beginning. Add lentils to vegetable stews, chilis or casseroles. Toss them with red onions and vinaigrette. Stir them into curries; cook them with carrots. Experiment with different varieties—red lentils (right) cook up very fast and can be turned into bright purées.

Why they’re great: A cup a day gives you about one-third of your iron and protein and roughly half your fiber. Even better, most of that is soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. One cup also provides a good amount of potassium, zinc and many B vitamins, and some calcium too. Just one alert: Rinse canned beans well—they can be soaked in salt.
Tip: It was once thought that to get a complete protein, you needed to combine beans with grains (rice, pasta, bread) at the same meal. “Now we know you just have to eat them during the same day,” Sass says. Toss beans and vegetables with whole wheat pasta; make soups and chilis with several varieties; add a sprinkling to grain salads. And for a different taste treat, look for canned heirloom varieties.

Why they’re great: They’re a nifty source of quick, totally palatable protein. In additon, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, macadamias and Brazil nuts are rich in zinc, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. Some, like almonds, even provide a decent amount of calcium (about 175 mg in a half cup). There’s also some great nut news: “Recent studies show that even though nuts are high in calories, eating them does not lead to weight gain,” says Sass. In fact, people who eat nut-rich diets tend to weigh less than those who don’t, say researchers at Loma Linda University and Purdue University. Peanuts may even help weight loss. Why nuts don’t make you fat—and may even help you lose weight—isn’t clear. “It’s possible that nuts make you feel so full that you’re less likely to overeat other foods,” says Sass. Other experts suspect that the labor-intense job of digesting nuts burns off calories. There are also hints that nuts increase the amount of fat that passes through the digestive tract, which might explain nut-linked weight loss. More research is obviously needed!
Tip: Different nuts give you different nutrients. For example, a half cup of almonds provides about four times as much fiber as the same amount of cashews. Cashews, however, contain about twice as much iron and zinc as almost any other nut. Pecans and walnuts tend to land right in the middle for most nut nutrients—potassium, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Sprinkle them in salads, or keep a bag of mixed nuts in your desk or backpack. Garnish smooth soups with crunchy whole nuts, stir chopped nuts into muffins and add crushed nuts to pie crust.

Why they’re great: Some enriched whole-grain cereals are fortified with hard-to-get vitamin B12—some even offer 100 percent of a day’s requirement in one serving—as well as iron, calcium and many other nutrients. Keep in mind that if you don’t eat eggs or dairy, you’ll have to take a B12 supplement to make sure you’re getting enough. As a group, cereals and other whole-grain foods (whole wheat breads and pastas, brown rice, etc.) are also high in other B vitamins, zinc and, of course, insoluble fiber, which not only helps whisk cholesterol out of your system but may reduce your risk of colon cancer and other digestive disorders.
Tip: Because different grains provide different nutrients, vary the types you eat. “It’s easy to get into a rut of, say, just making brown rice all the time. It’s better to mix up the grains you eat, including oatmeal, bulgur, wild rice, whole rye and pumpernickel breads,” says Sass. Also try some of the ancient grains—spelt, farro, kamut—which are now sold at most whole foods markets.

Leafy Greens
Why they’re great: Unlike most vegetables, dark leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, kale, Swiss chard and collards contain healthful amounts of iron—especially spinach, which has about 6 grams or about one-third of a day’s supply. They’re also a great source of cancer-fighting antioxidants; are high in folic acid and vitamin A; and they even contain calcium, but in a form that’s not easily absorbed. Cooking greens and/or sprinkling them with a little lemon juice or vinegar makes the calcium more available to your body, says Sass.
Tip: Always try to eat iron-rich foods with foods that are high in vitamin C because the C helps your body absorb the iron. With dark leafy greens, this comes naturally—just toss them into salads with yellow and red peppers, tomatoes, carrots, mandarin oranges or any citrus. Or if you prefer your veggies cooked, sauté a couple of cups of greens in some seasoned olive oil with sweet peppers, garlic and onion.

Why they’re great: Besides being a terrific source of iron and phytochemicals, many seaweeds—such as alaria, dulse, kelp, nori, spirulina and agar—are good sources of minerals, including magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron and chromium, as well as vitamins A, C, E and many of the Bs. Talk about superfoods!
Tip: Add chopped dulse to salads or sandwiches, sauté it with other vegetables or use it in soups. Use nori sheets as the wrappers for vegetarian sushi. Toast kelp, and crumble it on pasta or rice, or add it to noodle soups. Browse through Japanese or Korean markets to find seaweeds to sample.

Dried Fruits
Why they’re great: They’re good, super-convenient sources of iron—and if you combine them with some mixed nuts, you’ve got a packet of iron and protein you can take anywhere easily. In addition, dried fruits—think apricots, raisins, prunes, mangos, pineapple, figs, dates, cherries and cranberries—provide a wide array of minerals and vitamins as well as some fiber. And even kids love to snack on them.
Tip: Sprinkle them on salads, use in chutneys, stir into puréed squash and sweet potatoes, or blend with nuts and seeds to make your own favorite snack mix. Chopped up, dried fruits make healthful additions to puddings, fruit-based pie fillings, oat bars, cookies, hot and cold cereals—you name it.

Are you tired of typing your name at the end of every email you send? Want to make your emails more professional looking, with links to your business websites and company logos? Gmail allows you to quickly add custom signatures to every email you send. You can add links, images, and completely change the formatting of the text. See Step 1 below to learn how.

Method 1 of 2: Adding a Basic Signature
  1. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 1 Version 3.jpg
    Open Gmail. Ensure that you are logged in with the address that you want to add a signature to.
  2. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 2 Version 3.jpg
    Open the Settings menu. Click the Gear icon in the upper-right corner of the window, and select Settings from the menu that appears.
  3. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 3 Version 3.jpg
    Find the Signature section. Scroll down the Settings menu until you find the Signature section. You will see a text box as well as a drop-down menu with your email address.
  4. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 4 Version 3.jpg
    Type your signature. You can type anything you'd like into the signature field, and use the text formatting tools to give your signature a custom look. Signatures commonly include your name, place of employment and title, and your contact information.
    • You can change the font, color, weight, and more using the text formatting tools. A signature should be easy to read and professional. A distracting signature will make you look less professional to the recipient.
  5. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 5 Version 3.jpg
    Add links to your signature. If you have other websites that you want to link to in your signature, you can add them by clicking the Link button at the top of the signature text field. It looks like a chain.
    • Clicking the Link button will open a new window. You can enter in the text that will be displayed for the link, as well as the actual address. You can also link to other email addresses.
  6. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 6 Version 3.jpg
    Add different signatures for different addresses. If you have multiple email addresses associated with your Gmail account, you can have different signatures for each one. Click the drop-down menu above the signature text field to choose which address you want to create a signature for.
  7. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 7 Version 3.jpg
    Choose where you want the signature to appear. Check the box beneath the signature text field to have the signature appear before any quoted replies. If you leave it unchecked, the signature will show up at the bottom of the message, beneath any quotes.

Method 2 of 2: Adding Images to Your Signature

  1. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 8 Version 3.jpg
    Upload your image to an image hosting service. If you want to include an image in your signature, the image will need to be available online so that it can be linked to. You cannot upload an image directly from your computer to Gmail to use in the signature.
  2. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 9 Version 3.jpg
    Copy the image URL. Once the image has been uploaded, you will need to copy the image's URL, or address. Depending on what image hosting site you are using, you may be given the URL when the image is uploaded. If not, you can right-click on your image and click "Copy image URL".
    • The image URL should end with the image's file type, such as ".jpg" or ".png".
  3. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 10 Version 3.jpg
    Add the image. Click the "Insert Image" button above the signature text field and new window will open. Paste the image URL into the field in the new window. If you paste the correct URL, you should see a preview of the image appear below the field. If no preview appears, then you likely did not copy the correct URL.
  4. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 11 Version 3.jpg
    Adjust the size. If you are using a large image, then it will likely take up too much space in your signature. After adding the image, click it in the signature text field to open the size options. At the bottom of the image, you can choose "Small", "Medium", "Large", and "Original Size". Pick a size that allows you to see the image without taking up too much space in the signature.
    • Since the image is being linked to and not actually included in the email, you don't have to worry about uploading it every time you send an email.
  5. Add a Signature to a Gmail Account Step 12.jpg
    Save the signature. Once you are happy with the way the signature looks, save your changes by clicking the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Settings menu. Your emails will now include your new signature at the bottom.[1]